
Need It Now: Nike Spring Break Style


Spring has sprung and Nike is keeping things fresh or floral with need it now pieces for the season. Whether you’re traveling for spring break or need to layback in warmer weather, these looks are easy to mix in with your every day athleisure or cover up a swimsuit on the way to the beach or pool.

Nike H86 Swoosh Adjustable Hat 

Nike Benassi Print Slide 

Nike Essential Tank and Gym Vintage Shorts 

photos by @dollyave

The best part about these items are how you can make them your own for different occasions. Heading to the gym, lounging around your house or getting ready for a social event, you have options. Check out our inspiration below and tag us on @finishlinewomen when you’re rocking Nike spring style.

Look for updated need it now styles every two weeks at @finishlinewomen and 
