
Ladies Who Inspire Finish Line Women


Now more than ever, women all over the world are being recognized for their presence in society. This year, @finishlinewomen is celebrating International Women’s Day all week long. We’re going to bring you a new story every day from 3/4 to 3/10 and each one will highlight what #girlpower is all about.

We wanted to know who inspires our Finish Line women on a daily basis. Who they look up to and the influence these relationships have on their life. It’s important for other women to encourage and lift up one another even if it’s from afar. Check out who our influencers mentioned below!


A post shared by Lipstick KILLER????Lipstick Mafia (@iamlipstickkiller) on

“This woman has become family to me and also happens to be a female rapping rockstar. She goes by the name Lipstick Killer and her spirit toward life inspires me. She reminds me, no dream is ever too small. She’s a girl’s girl, as am I, and it’s so amazing to have supportive women in your life. Women that cheer each other on or help each other reach their dreams!”

A post shared by Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) on

“To have seen the journey of Lady Gaga where I did for the past eight years has been pretty inspiring for sure! The talent is one thing but it takes a certain kind of person to do what she does, and she always does it with grace and kindness! A real superstar and bad ass woman. I’ve learned so much from her over the years.”


A post shared by Becca (@beccafit4life) on

“I wouldn’t be where I am today without @beccafit4life. I met her through work back in 2014 and she got me started with running. She consistently invited me out to a run club she started at work and guided me every step of the way. She was my personal running coach, she introduced me to running races, and she mentored me through my early days on Instagram and fitness blogging scene. Today, we are closer than before and she continues to inspire my fitness and life adventures with positivity, encouragement, and most importantly real talk.”

A post shared by Michelle Obama (@michelleobama) on

“I love everything about Michelle Obama. She’s the perfect example of a leading lady in that she uses her influence to educate and empower others. Her love and compassion for her family, for women, and for children are unparalleled. Every day she inspires me to be a woman who empowers other women and helps others. I hope one day I can be a force multiplier like Michelle.”


A post shared by Jen Sincero (@jensincero) on

Jen Sincero. She is the author of “You Are a Badass” which is the first self-help book I read. It was utterly amazing. Jen speaks to her readers in a very relatable manner, which instantly opened my eyes to a whole new world of positivity and gratitude. It was the start of my spiritual journey. If my first self-help book wasn’t as good and easy to understand as Jen’s, I might not be the spiritual, happier person I am today. I have Jen to thank for that.”


A post shared by MICHELLE CARIGMA (@_modernfit) on

“My mom is the number one inspiration in my life. She taught me the importance of independence and standing up for myself. She had to play two roles for a part of my life, mother & father –most importantly, she also became by best friend.”

A post shared by VALerie Julian <3 (@val_uable) on

“Another person who has been an inspiration for years is Valerie Julian. An entrepreneur & stylist, she’s a true leader wherever her feet take her. Looking back at our memories together, I see that she really influenced me to be my true self in my own style. She carries herself with grace and her presence truly helped shaped who I am today.”

Keep your eyes out for more #InternationalWomensDay features on the blog and @finishlinewomen this week. #WeAreMore
