
The Most Iconic Air Max Moments


20.) An Air Max 1 Christmas
Long before the blog hype, message boards and IG flossin’ attracted many individuals looking for some e-fame to the “sneaker scene” there were those of us that did it just because we loved the shoes. It was one to three pairs a year if you were lucky and we beat those shoes into the ground. Birthday’s, back to school and special holiday’s were usually the times of the year those special pick ups happened and for many of us those moments were almost never captured on film. Thankfully, for YouTube user J G Carver the latter wasn’t the case. On Christmas day of 1987 he opens his gift from Santa that turns out to be a pair of Nike Air Max 1’s and his inner sneaker beast is released to the world. A truly memorable moment for his family, representation of moments we have all secretly had at one point or another and a moment that for as long as its posted on YouTube will be representation of how all Air Max heads feel acquiring a fresh pair of Air Max 1’s.

