Heel Cups: What’s the Benefit?
If you’ve ever had Plantar Fasciitis, you know what it is. If you haven’t experienced it, you don’t want to know. Otherwise known as a bruised heel, PF (as we’ll refer to it) is the inflammation of the fascia and ligaments that connect your calf and foot muscles to your heel and ball of your foot. It may not sound like much, but the pain associated with it can be excruciating. So, to curb the pain, we’ve got a solution for you to check out.
Obviously, the best way to combat pain is through prevention, so adequate stretching is recommended in all situations. For a bruised heel, you can take prevention even further by adding a heel cup to the sole of your shoe. If you’re looking for an option to check out, take a look at Sof Sole’s Gel Heel Cup. Unassuming at first, it packs a lot of benefits into a small form factor. While providing needed comfort and dual-density heel protection through its tapered design, the Gel Heel Cup is built to cradle the heel for added stability.
Available for both men and women and useful for any shoe, it’s a good addition to your arsenal of preventative pain measures.